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  • 画芯尺寸:74 * 100 cm
  • 制作工艺:纯手工绘制,可镜框或藏式装裱
  • 原料材质:藏布,纯黄金,天然矿物颜料
  • 库存状态:有现货
  • 备注说明:唐卡主尊:黄财神,唐卡四周:财神眷属。全部纯金勾线,画工精细,艺术风格独特,视觉冲击力强。增长财富。
  • 联系方式:微信 774952713
  • 本站图片均受版权保护,禁止以任何方式使用


The Yellow Kubrra is named Jambhala in Tibetan. He sits on a snow leopard, with a victory banner in his right hand that indicates Buddhism's victory. In his left hand he holds a nakula, a small rodent that can spit out jewels. Once Shakyamuni preached in Lingjiu Mountain, many demons came to interrupt the Buddhist assembly. At this time, the Yellow Kubrra appeared and saved scared believers. After that, the Buddha appointed him as a protective god to help and protect the poor. According to the Buddhist Scriptures, if the followers practice the Yellow Kubera’s Dharma, he can increase his financial resources, casting off poverty and all economics burdens. But he should have a supreme Bodhi heart, have extensive ties of friendship, give more donations and should never become stingy and greedy.