白度母藏名音译卓玛嘎尔姆,“长寿三尊”之一。又称七眼佛母。相传额上一目观十方无量佛土,其余六 目观六道众生。
白度母身色洁白,穿丽质天衣,袒胸露腹,颈挂珠宝璎珞,头戴花蔓冠,乌发挽髻,面 目端庄慈和,右手膝前结施愿印,左手当胸以三宝印捻乌巴拉花,花茎曲蔓至耳际。身 着五色天衣绸裙,耳珰、手钏、指环、臂圈、脚镯具全,全身花鬘庄严,双足金刚咖趺 坐安住于莲花月轮上。
According to a legend, Avalokiteshvara once spilled two tears to the earth out of despair over muddle-headed humanity. Each tear formed a lake in which a lotus grew. When the lotuses opened there was a Tara in the center of each. The tear from his left eye produced the dark-colored Green Tara, the one from his right eye the White Tara. White is the color of purity and therefore the White Tara symbolizes immaculacy, and because of her association with Avalokieshvara, compassion as well. Her worship is very popular in Tibet. She sits on a lotus with her right hand always in Varamudra, the gesture of offering material and spiritual gifts. Holding a white lotus in her left hand is a teaching gesture that symbolizes purification of a believer’s temper and life. There are seven eyes on her forehead, the palm of her hands and soles of her feet. These eyes symbolize the capacity to see all those in need in the six conditions of sentient existence. The practice of White Tara is performed in to prolong life, cut off the root of transmigration, and to prevent all demons, miseries and diseases.