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  • 画芯尺寸:宽:60 厘米 × 高:80 厘米(常规大小)
  • 制作工艺:纯手工绘制,可镜框或藏式装裱
  • 原料材质:藏布,纯黄金,天然矿物颜料
  • 联系方式:微信 774952713
  • 本站图片均受版权保护,禁止以任何方式使用


Vajarapani is the manifestation of the Shakyamuni Buddha who preached the Buddhadharma and also his secret Nirmanakaya. He appears in many forms but usually has a dark blue body with one face, two arms and three eyes. His right hand wields a vajra and in front of his breast his left hand holds a diamond rope with a book. Adorned with snakes and various kinds of jewels, he wears a skirt made of tiger skin and a crown of five Buddhas. He stands in the midst of prajna fire with his right leg crooked and his left leg stretched out. His ferocious look shows his great power in defending the Buddhadharma. By cultivating the dharma of this personal tantric deity, the follower will have infinite virtue and great power to eliminate all kinds of demons and all disasters caused by earth, water, fire, wind and voidness. He will fulfill all of the Buddha’s wishes and go to the Pure Land of the West when the believer passes away.